Tuesday, May 19, 2020

3 of the Best Baby-Bump Skin Saviours

The best baby-bump skin saviours

Pregnancy image from google
That growing baby bump can change how your skin looks. Some conditions are due to changes in hormone levels. There are many treatments in the market ease tight-feeling skin and promote elasticity with these favorite products for your growing bump.
Pregnancy boob tube
1. Mama Mio - Beautifully scented, Mama Mio Megamama Shower Milk could soon become part of your diary routine. Its unique blend of oils, including avocado, argan, and sweet almond, will help keep your skin elastic, supple and strong.
Mustela’s Stretch Marks Serum
2. Target new stretch marks or stop them in their tracks with Mustela’s Stretch Marks Serum. It’s packed with active ingredients such as passion fruit, proven to reinforce skin’s elasticity.
Palmer’s Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks
Palmer’s Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks

3.Palmer’s Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks is made from a combination of cocoa butter, shea butter and natural oils, to keep your bump moisturised for up to 48 hours, and allow your skin to stretch.

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Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Baby Skin Care

Baby Skin Care

Your infant’s soft skin is super sensitive. Here’s advice on how to care for it.

Massage Moments 

Massage can act as tactile stimulation and what better than mom’s touch. Wash your hands and use gentle strokes, says  Dr Neelam Kler, chariman, Pediatrics, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi. She recommends cold pressed coconut or olive oil. Give a massage half to one hour before bath.

Bath Basics

Keep baby’s bath short and quick. "Use warm to tepid bath water. You may not need soap except to clean up private parts," says Dr Preeta Mathur, consultant, Pediatrics, Columbia Asia Hospital, Pune. Wrap your baby in a sof towel and dab dry. Use a lotion only if you fnd the baby’s skin dry, says Kler. Try Pigeon Baby Milky Lotion, Cetaphil Baby Lotion, Sebamed Baby Lotion. Talcum powders aren't necessary.

Dress Right

Dress baby in soft hosiery cotton clothes that are buttoned on the front. In winter, woollen clothes should be worn over it to avoid skin rashes.

Diaper Drama

Diaper rash is caused by dampness combined with irritation. "Check your baby’s diaper every 2-3 hours, remove soiled ones immediately, pat her bottom dry and let her spend some diaper-free time to let her bottom breathe," says Kler. Use cloth nappies as far as possible. Wash them in a gentle detergent, rinse well and let them dry in the sun. Also, keep the area hygienic. "As far as possible, clean the area with a gentle stream of tepid water each time your baby poops. Else, use  a soft, damp cloth to wipe it clean," adds Mathur.  Let the area dry before you tie on the nappy. "Diaper rash cream is prescribed to treat a rash," says Mathur.

Baby Products

Babies need minimal products because their skin is naturally soft and clear. "Get perfume-free, pH-neutral products," says Kler. "Anti-bacterial soaps and products, unless prescribed, are a no-no." Watch for allergic reactions (skin rash) even when using baby care products.
From : PREVENTION Magazine

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Baby Feeding Bottles - Dangers of BPA, Bisphenol A

Baby Feeding Bottles - Dangers of BPA, Bisphenol A

BPA, also known as Bisphenol A, is a toxic chemical found in many popular plastic baby feeding bottles that can affect the developmental, neural, and reproductive structures of you baby. Now I’m not trying to scare you but you should be concerned. After all, your baby deserves to grow up in a healthy environment.
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There has been much debate about this chemical but there isn’t any reason to take the chance. Research has shown that certain plastics break down and leach BPA in to any liquids or foods it comes in contact with. The U.S. Center for disease control and prevention found that BPA was present in over 90% of the people they tested. But that’s not all. They also found that Bisphenol A in humans is in a higher concentration than the animal studies conducted that lead to cancers, bad immune systems, early onset of puberty, obesity, diabetes, and other problems.

So what are the options? The good news is that there are brands that make BPA free baby feeding bottles. Here are a few plastic bottles for you to consider:

Medela Baby Bottles - They have always made with baby bottles BPA free. They are good for breast milk storage and formula. Really, these are the “all in one” type bottle.

ThinkBaby Bottles - Not only are they BPA free, they are also lead, nitrosamines, and pythalates free. They’ve mimicked a breast by using a larger base which is convenient for your baby when switching over. They even have a venting system built in to the nipples.

Playtex Drop-Ins - These are BPA free and disposable. Again, they contain many features as the previous two.

But what if you don’t want to use plastic all together? Glass is the perfect alternative. At first you might think this is dangerous but I assure you, they are perfectly save and you may prefer them after you’ve used them. Glass baby feeding bottles are built with babies in mind. They are definitely strong but can be a bit hard to handle, especially for a newborn baby. To avoid accidents, we recommend purchasing a silicone cover. This not only will give the glass some gripping surface, but it will help protect the glass from accidental drops.

Evenflo and Dr. Brown bother make glass feeding bottles so you don’t have to be concerned about chemicals leaching in to your baby’s diet.

Now that we have uncovered BPA and some alternatives to avoid it, we can check off one less thing to worry about. Remember to check online for information about your baby feeding bottles to see if there is a potential problem. Now it’s time to worry about more important things!
Read MoreBaby Feeding Tips

Baby Feeding Tips - Baby Care Baby Love

Baby Feeding Tips - Baby Care Baby Love

Feeding your baby doesn’t just mean pouring formula or milk in to a bottle and letting them have at it. There are other things to consider so let’s look at some baby feeding tips below:
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a)    Before you feed your baby, change his or her diaper. This will allow them to become a bit more energetic and alert for feeding. Changing a diaper is not a pleasant experience for the baby. By doing this before hand, it will let them rest after feeding and fall asleep peacefully.

b)    Prepare any formula or milk a head of time and put it in the fridge. If you need to warm it up you can put the bottle in a bowl of warm water to bring the temperature back up.

c)     Use bottled or boiled water to mix with the baby formula. If you use boiled water, don’t add it hot to the formula as this will scaled it and cause chunks. Allow it to cool before adding.

d)    Don’t heat formula in your microwave. Microwaves tend to create hotspots which can burn your baby. Always test the temperature of the formula before giving it to them.

e)    After one hour of feeding, milk can grow incredible amounts of bacteria that came from your baby’s mouth. There for it is important to dump it down the drain.

f)     Sometimes gas inside your baby’s stomach can trick them in to thinking they are full. Wait until they have stopped, relaxed for a moment and then begin burping them. Once they get rid of that extra gas they will most likely want to feed some more.

g)    Babies love to sleep, especially when they are warm. Even during an active time they can fall asleep at the drop of a hat if they are cozy. Try removing a few items such as a jacket or coat to keep them awake but not so much that they catch cold.

These are just a few things you can do when feeding your baby. Remember, as a new parent nobody is perfect and it does take practice. The time and effort you put in will help you with future babies and for friends who need advice.
See More : Baby Feeding Bottles for Newborn - Baby Care Baby Love

Baby Feeding Bottles for Newborn - Baby Care Baby Love

Baby Feeding Bottles for Newborn - Baby Care Baby Love

Are you currently using, or considered using a baby feeding bottle for your baby or newborn? As a mother, a baby is your number one priority and it is important to provide him or her with the best nutritional, educational, and safety choices possible. But there is so much to remember that sometimes we can overlook the small things that can harm your baby.

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There is much debate about whether to breast feed, use a pump, or a bottle. Most mothers don’t have the time to breast feed or feel embarrassed doing so. But either way, you end up using a baby feeding bottle as they get a bit older. So let’s look at some what you will find here on our site.

Your baby isn’t born with a powerful immune system and it takes a number of years before it can handle even the simplest of germs. Therefore it is important that all toys, clothes, baby bedding, feeding materials, and anything else that can fit in their mouth is properly sterilized. The most important one is the feeding bottle. There are many ways to sterilize your baby feeding bottle, Sippy cups, and rubber nipples. For a more in depth look at sterilizing your baby bottle, please visit our article page on the sidebar.

Are you familiar with Bisphenol A, otherwise known as BPA? This chemical is a neural, developmental, and reproductive toxic substance. It can be found in a lot of different plastics, including your baby feeding bottle. Even some of the top brands of baby products contain BPA. Since your baby’s health is extremely important, it might be a better choice to use a glass bottle with a silicone covering to help prevent accidents. Avoiding this chemical as much as possible may prevent your baby from developing problems later in life.

There are other common problems that your baby may encounter such as BBTD, baby bottle tooth decay. Letting your baby fall asleep with their baby bottle or Sippy cup can result in tooth decay. Their tiny teeth haven’t got the protective enamel and bacteria can do a lot of damage to them. It’s important to not let bad habits become habits, so we will look more in depth on this as well.

A mother’s job of caring for a baby is extremely difficult. We can strive for perfection but in the end, we are only human. If you are considering using a baby feeding bottle or have already started, please bookmark our site and be sure to check out all of our articles from BPA, BBTD, sterilizing, and other tips you will need as a mother.
Read MoreBaby Feeding Tips  , Dangers of BPA, Bisphenol A

Benefits of Outdoor Activities for Kids

Benefits of Outdoor Activities for Kids

You must have noticed that kids have a natural preference for outdoors as compared to indoors. This is in fact as nature planned it. At this stage kids are driven to have the desire to find out the abilities and limitations of their bodies.

Outdoor activities including but not limited to swimming, skating, swinging, and biking satisfy the kids need for exploration and discovery while at the same time building their confidence. This is in addition to the obvious advantages of these activities to their body’s development.

The following are a few of these advantages of outdoor activities for kids:

Interaction with nature

When at a young age that is the time that man is most strongly connected to nature. This is the factor that makes kids naturally be attracted to the outdoors to interact with. They should be allowed to do this provided there is adult supervision. This experience will help the kid to love nature and even in the future understand the purpose of protecting it.

Social skills

The child will learn proper social skills by the interaction with playmates and even with adults. They will learn to respect the preferences of others by understanding that it is not all times where they will get their way. They get to learn that contrary to the atmosphere created at home when they were babies, the world does not revolve around them. Also interaction with adults helps the adult to be able to impact the right values in the child while realising in time if the child picks up any negative values.

Psycho motor development

Due to the numerous often straineous activities that kids carry out outdoors their muscles develop in strength. Again due to the variety of activities they engage in, they greatly streamline their muscle-nerve-mind co-ordination due to their continued use. As compared to other activities like watching television where only the optical nerve and the brain are stimulated, outdoor activities use a myriad of muscles and nerves concurrently. This helps to improve the co-ordination of these systems of the body.

Personal independence and spirit of competition:

Most of the outdoor activities that kids engage in are often a competition of some sort. They are either in teams or each works on his own. These activities culture in the kid the realisation that there are times in life where you have to either work independently or as part of a team to get what you want to achieve. In addition the spirit of healthy competition is cultured in them which will make them grow into ambitious adults.

General health

Due to regular exercise and detoxification through sweating, the bodies of kids who are actively engaged in outdoor activities are found to be less susceptible to attack by disease. This is because their immune system becomes stronger as their bodies produce more blood and in it more white blood cells. So allow your kids out more often and you might not have to use that ehic renewal card so often.

Stress reduction

Contrary to what most people believe kids also have issues that disturb their minds. In fact due to their limited view of the expanse of the world they are disturbed by very many issues despite how small they may seem to an adult. Adequate outdoor activity however ensures that the stress remains at manageable levels.

Outdoor activities have numerous advantages and should be encouraged especially for kids. It may be the best way to ensure good and all round development of your child. So as long as they have adult supervision and they have their sunscreen on let them go out, have fun and grow.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Milk-Teeth appearance of your baby

Milk-Teeth appearance of your baby

The baby grows its teeth after sometime, perhaps around becoming a toddler. The first set of teeth is called milk-teeth which are twenty in number. The milk-teeth protrude in pairs with the lower jaw seeing a faster growth than that of the upper jaw.

The first milk-teeth appears when the baby is six or seven months old and the last set of teeth appears between the twentieth and the thirtieth months.

It takes a year and a half for the baby to develop its first set of teeth. However, this process, the duration and the order of the growth of the teeth differs. The development of the baby’s teeth is a natural process which might turn out to be a painful one due to the errors in the feeding, nursing and the overall health of the baby. The milk-teething period is the most crucial period of the baby’s transition to childhood.

The baby is subject to danger during the first dentition which conscientious mothers should look after to reduce the dangers associated with teething in a baby. It is advisable to prevent the whole of difficulties or dangers associated with teething. Here are a few tips which you may find useful to prevent your baby from getting involved in any sort of danger. These symptoms are part of natural teething.

Symptoms of natural teething

If your baby has remained healthy with proper and natural diet which means the milk from its mother alone, the symptoms of teething will not be severe and will remain mild and you’re your caretaking efforts will also remain easy. Natural dentition has a few symptoms like more of saliva secretion, swelling and heat of gums and flushing of cheeks occasionally. Thumb-sucking or putting any other objects available into the mouth.

Increase in thirst, wanting to be breastfed more often, fretfulness and restlessness, crying often, vomiting, loose bowels are some of the symptoms that precede teething. Such symptoms often show up before several weeks before teething, disappear and recur while the teething eventually happens.

In such cases, no medical assistance is required and you may take the child out in open air, clean up bowels with castor oil, use flannels to wash and wipe the baby and breastfeed often to alleviate thirst and keep the gums retain moist. The mother must also forego stimulant drinks and food.

The irritation and unease in the gums can be taken care of with coral, orris-root, scraped liquorice-root or ivory flat ring but usage of confectioneries to soothe the teeth and gums is highly risky.

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