Tuesday, March 1, 2016

How to Plan a Baby Shower

How to Plan a Baby Shower

It’s time to start planning a baby shower for your special friend or family member! You might be feeling a little overwhelmed and stressed at this moment, but there is no need to be. There are a lot of great tools and ideas out there to help you plan your party. Your Baby Shower Guide is here to help!
Image from https://www.flickr.com/photos/dan4th/5419651998

Planning Your Budget

When planning a baby shower, don't forget to set a budget. Generally the person(s) hosting the shower pay the cost. How much you spend will depend on the size, and the style of shower you are hosting. Take in consideration the costs of decorations, games (if any) and prizes too.

Setting the Shower Date

    When planning a baby shower before the baby's due date, start organizing it a good six to eight weeks before the chosen shower date. Set a clear guest list by talking to the expectant mom to see who she’d like to have at her shower. If it is a surprise shower, contact the couple's family and/or friends to help with the guest list. Make sure to get everyone’s address, phone number and email address.
You could also wait until after the baby arrives to hold the shower. This is becoming increasingly popular as it allows more gender-specific items such as clothing to be given. As well, it gives the new mom an opportunity to show off her little one to family and friends. You should check with the mom-to-be to see when she would prefer the shower.

The Day of the Shower

If your shower is being held somewhere besides your home, you should arrive at least 30 minutes a head of your guests. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and have someone assist you with the last minute details. As your guests arrive be sure to introduce them to one another. If you plan on having a seating arrangement, place people who know each other or have common interests together. To lessen the stress for the mom-to-be arrange a friend or family member to pick her up and drive her to the shower. Most importantly relax and enjoy the celebration!

Baby Shower Checklist

Using a checklist when planning a baby shower can help you with each step of the process. They suggest when you should mail out your invitations, order your food and cake, and purchase your decorations. More importantly, a checklist can help keep your organized and ensure you don’t forget any important details.

Creating Special Touches

When planning a baby shower, it is sometimes the special touches that help make a baby shower special. Not only can your shower run a little smoother, but your mom-to-be and guests will appreciate your thoughtfulness.

When you are planning a baby shower for a close friend or family member keep these ideas in mind.
  • Place helium balloons outside your front door to greet your guests and expectant mom. Or visit an Outlet Store with Party Supplies that provide customized memory banners to welcome your mom-to-be.
  • When decorating, don’t forget the guest bathroom. Adding a little extra touch with a scented candle or special soap and lotions can add warmth to the room.
  • As your guests arrive be sure to introduce them to one another. If you plan on having a seating arrangement, place people who know each other or have common interests together.
  • Arrange a designated driver to pick up your mom-to-be so she can feel pampered and relaxed on the way to and from her shower.
  • Ask someone to be the shower’s designated photographer. Have them take a picture of each guest with the mom-to-be. Consider having someone video tape the shower too.
  • Insure there is a designated gift recorder to keep track of who gave which gift.
  • Provide your expectant mom with a guest list (including last names and addresses) to help with thank you notes. You can take this one step further and create a game. As guests arrive have them write their name and address on envelope and place them in a bowl. Later draw an envelope where the winning guest is given a prize. These envelopes can then be passed onto the mom-to-be all ready for her thank you cards!
  • If you are hosting a Jack and Jill shower, ensure there will be plenty of men in attendance for the dad-to-be. When picking invitations, decorations and party games keep the men in mind and stay away from lace, the color pink and anything overly frilly.
  • Ensure you have enough favors on hand for all your guests. It maybe a good idea to have a few extra just in case.
  • When it is time for your expectant mom to open her gifts, have each person come up and hand her their present. While she is unwrapping she can introduce the gift-giver to the group and tell a little story about how she knows them. This is a great way for everyone to get to know one another.
  • Surprise your expectant mom with a special keepsake from her shower. Frame one of her shower invitations and display it at her party. After her shower let her take it home as a gift

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