Baby Feeding Tips - Baby Care Baby Love
Feeding your baby doesn’t just mean pouring formula or milk in to a bottle and letting them have at it. There are other things to consider so let’s look at some baby feeding tips below:a) Before you feed your baby, change his or her diaper. This will allow them to become a bit more energetic and alert for feeding. Changing a diaper is not a pleasant experience for the baby. By doing this before hand, it will let them rest after feeding and fall asleep peacefully.
b) Prepare any formula or milk a head of time and put it in the fridge. If you need to warm it up you can put the bottle in a bowl of warm water to bring the temperature back up.
c) Use bottled or boiled water to mix with the baby formula. If you use boiled water, don’t add it hot to the formula as this will scaled it and cause chunks. Allow it to cool before adding.
d) Don’t heat formula in your microwave. Microwaves tend to create hotspots which can burn your baby. Always test the temperature of the formula before giving it to them.
e) After one hour of feeding, milk can grow incredible amounts of bacteria that came from your baby’s mouth. There for it is important to dump it down the drain.
f) Sometimes gas inside your baby’s stomach can trick them in to thinking they are full. Wait until they have stopped, relaxed for a moment and then begin burping them. Once they get rid of that extra gas they will most likely want to feed some more.
g) Babies love to sleep, especially when they are warm. Even during an active time they can fall asleep at the drop of a hat if they are cozy. Try removing a few items such as a jacket or coat to keep them awake but not so much that they catch cold.
These are just a few things you can do when feeding your baby. Remember, as a new parent nobody is perfect and it does take practice. The time and effort you put in will help you with future babies and for friends who need advice.